Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Guest Speaker: Kendall

Something that I had not considered when I started thinking of my company was where we will be and will I want to stay there.  Mr. Kendall helped me realize the importance of business location.  His focus was local economy and expanded that same theory out into our nations economy.  Since I am not a 7-11 or something that sells good exclusively to my county/city I found this talk particular interesting.

I am looking to go into the business of selling a product online and would assume the vast majority of my sales would come from out of the state.  Would my business keeping its roots in Washington make it a better place? would it make it more desirable to other business? do I need Washington to make my business better? I have no idea.  I love where I live (which is why I live here) but a large focus of my business is outdoors and we all know the weather isn't that favorable for that kind of activity.  Of course, I could find the silver lining in this and try and use the weather to my advantage, since not many people are doing what I do in the rain maybe I will find some kind of untapped market!  I doubt it, but it is a thought....

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