Wednesday, March 19, 2014

South Sound Technology Conference

I got to attend the south sound technology conference last Friday and had a blast.  Unfortunately, I did not get to see too much due to my work schedule but I did get to see a few of our guest speakers and thank them again for speaking in our class.  I also got a free lunch, which was great!  I mean, who doesn't like free food and technology?

The main reason I was there was to do a poster session for my internship so I spent the majority of my time doing that.  It was a little boring but I was able to mingle with the other presenters and it turned out to be pretty fun.  There are a lot of people doing some really cool stuff with internships at our school and it makes me proud to say I am in the CS program.  I also got some good networking in and discussed some ideas about my business plan with some other students, to gauge and interest.  It is amazing how few people know that anyone could make money from YouTube, you don't have to be a big production company or whatever.

Sunday, March 9, 2014

Guest Speaker: John Dimmer

The one and only John Dimmer spoke to us recently with a focus on funding and financials.  First off, within a few minutes of him speaking you could tell that he is passionate about business in general.  The man was made to be in business.  That being said he gave some great advice on how to go about looking for investors and what to expect while doing it.  He also broke down what the different kinds of investors are, like angels vs VCs and all that.

I don't believe that I will be looking for investors in my business but I may look to crowd-sourcing as a form of funding for some of my equipment that I would like.  John gave some useful info on crowd-sourcing and basically said, don't expect to get the ridiculous amounts you see on the news and stuff, but you could get 1-10k with a reasonable idea and presentation.

He also mentioned that there are some business plan competitions (locally, even!) that have a pretty good chance of getting you some funding if you are in need of some smaller funding, and since they usually cost you nothing you do not have much to lose.